Hometown Parade will start at 5:30, with tree lighting ceremony to follow.
Download Parade Form
Parade Line Up Information
Parade Coordinator: Heather Wilbur: 360.560.2036
- Meet on Cowlitz Street East
- Line up for Judging 4:00 pm
- If you cannot make the 4:00 pm line up for judging – please arrive at 4:30 so Heather & team
can make sure everyone is registered and you get a number so each float can be announced
at the stage.
- Parade starts at 5:30 pm
- Parade route will be from Cowlitz and follow through town past the stage and post office. Disband turning left onto 2nd street.
- First and foremost is ensuring safety of the children watching the parade. Please no throwing of candy from floats. Please assign volunteers to walk along side your float entry and hand out the candy to the children in the crowd. This ensures that the children are not running towards the parade into the street to get candy. Please keep everyone safe and behind the roped area for the parade.
- All animal entries must provide a clean up crew.
- All motorized vehicles can NOT be left on idle during the line-up. Once in your location, you are asked to please turn your engine off.
- Remember there is only one official Santa & Mrs Claus in the parade and Festival. We ask that you do not have a Santa or Mrs Claus on your float. We do not want to confuse the children. Thank you!